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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Can Obama Beat McCain?

The man on the street is pondering that question. Democrats everywhere are haunted by
the Rev Wright controversy. When you get that average American into the polling
booth come November, will the words “God dam America” ring in their ears and sway
them to vote for McCain??

That is the question all good Democrats must ponder in the middle of the night.
When I wake up at 3am and wonder how in the heck I am going to make it another week,
another month, another year.....I wonder what will happen to the country I love if we have
to suffer through another four years of Bush economics. Make no mistake about it, if
McCain becomes our next president it will be business as usual on Capital Hill. Can any
of us afford that??

In the middle of the night, I wake up and wonder what is happening to the America I once
knew. According to CNN, fifteen million Americans are behind on their energy bills.
Fifteen million people!! Utility companies can’t turn off the heat and electric in the
middle of winter, but they sure as heck can do it when the nice weather comes around.
That means that all these Americans will have to pay up NOW, or they will have their
electric and heat shut off, and if they are not paid up by next fall, they will not have heat
or electric for the next heating season! The cost of heating a home has not only doubled in
some areas of the country, it has tripled! I used to pay 800.00 a season to heat my home ,
now I am paying over 2400.00 a season to heat that same home! Just that is bad enough,
but I am also paying a lot more at the grocery store, more for every other service like
garbage removal, phone and electric bill, and yes even cable TV has hiked it’s rates at a
time when Americans are hurting more than ever. The simple pleasure of watching TV
may soon be more than most Americans can afford. Even having a pet is becoming so
expensive that I can barely find the money for vaccinations. Every aspect of my life has
become a struggle due to finances. The stress is just unbelievable, and I know I have it
better than many, many others out there. I have no idea how other people are making it. I
know many are maxing out their credit cards to buy the gas they need to get to work. I
also know those people have no way to pay off those credit cards. What happens then??

I don’t think the people in Washington DC have any idea how much the average family is
hurting. The country is falling apart, and it will continue to fall apart if McCain gets
elected. I believe the situation is so dire and intense that if we pick the wrong person
next fall, there may not even be a United States of America when it comes to the election
of 2012! Or at least there will not be a United States of America that any of us know or

Of course all the prices are going up because the cost of a barrel of oil has become more
expensive than at any other time in history. I am just wondering why we are spending three
billion dollars a week on the war in Iraq, and we are paying almost 4.00 at the pump with
no end in sight! For all the money that we spent in Iraq gas should be 25 cents a gallon.
Let’s cut the bull crap, the only reason we are in Iraq is to protect our oil interests. I don’t
get it, but what is even worse, Washington does not get it either, or we would not be in
the high gas price nightmare. The man on the street, here in Wisconsin thinks the
government controls the price of oil, pure and simple. They do not believe for a moment there is even a shortage. That it is a big lie. All a big Bush lie to be exact! People
believe that the right person in the White House will bring those gas prices down again.

So we come back to the question, Can Obama beat McCain? Many people in Wisconsin
think that he should be able to, but they would feel more comfortable if Hillary was
running against McCain instead of Obama. In the end the Democrats of this country will
unite and vote us out of this Bush nightmare. If we stick together, and make our demands
known, and keep the pressure up, we will turn our country around and make
America the bright and shining star, the beacon of hope for the rest of the world that the
good Lord intended it to be.

Americans are strong people, we have been through bad times before, and we will get
through the bad times of the future. We have to go back to our roots, remember our
heritage, and emulate the great Americans that came before us. We have grit and
determination in our blood, we can do anything we put our minds to. This too shall pass.
We will find new and better ways to fuel our world, and one day, we will be free of the
oil demon that threatens to destroy us, but only if we chose our leaders wisely. Now is the
time for every good American to get out there, and chose wisely. We are already on the
comeback trail. Look at the talent at our disposal! Both Barrack and Hillary are way
above average. Both are great Americans, ready to change history. All we have to do, is
make sure we get out and vote for which ever one becomes the presidential candidate.
People of America, it’s in our hands, lets not blow it!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Was The Rev Wright Firestorm Ignited By The Clinton Political Machine?

What is the average man in the street thinking about in small towns in Wisconsin? From
now until the presidential election I will be posting opinions of average Americans that
are not always aired on mainstream media. Although these opinions can be somewhat
controversial, they are not meant to be offensive in any way.

Do you think the Rev Wright firestorm was started by the Clinton political machine?
People are talking across the nation and shaking their heads. Things just do not add.
Things do not make sense. Why would the infamous Rev Wright want to blow the
election for Obama? Let’s examine the facts and then come to our own conclusions.

Listening to Rev Wright it is hard to believe he is a man of God. Obviously he has a deep
hatred for the United States of America. Although he claims his remarks were taken out
of context, nothing could be further from the truth. When Glen Beck ran the full sermon
on his nightly news program it became clear that Rev Wright’s antics which aired on
CNN were but the tip of the iceberg! If anything he became even more controversial! He
even blames the USA for 911.

Considering that Rev Wright is a millionaire many times over, it seems strange that he
does not realize it was this country that gave him the oppourtunity to become so
successful. I doubt that he would have attained these heights in another country. Yet,
there is not one gesture of gratitude in his rhetoric. Yes, Rev Wright, “God dam
America!”. Such statements make most American’s blood boil.

Up until last week Senator Obama claimed that his church was not all that controversial.
Oprah went to the same church as Senator Obama, and she found it controversial enough
to leave that church. There is a big difference between Oprah and Rev Wright. Oprah
loves this country and she knows that in a large part she owes her great success to it.
When it comes to Senator Obama, from the way he talks about America, we would
assume that he feels the same way, or does he??

If you sat in a church for 20 years and listened to this kind of talk, what would you do??
Most Americas would walk away in disgust, regardless of thier race or creed. Americans
realize that in spite of it’s problems, this country is still the best place on the planet. There
will always be problems, there will always be mistakes, but to say “God dam America” is
deeply offensive to all those people who love this great country.

My ancestors were not always treated kindly by this country either, but they knew it was
the best place in the entire world to make something for yourself . They came to this
country with a humble heart and a strong work ethic, and these values were instilled into
every family member since that time. America was a place where men could be free to
become whatever they wanted if they worked hard to get there. Kind of sounds like the
same things Senator Obama says in his speeches? The only difference here is that my
family lived by those words, as did the church they went to.

And so we come back to the question at the beginning of this blog. Did the Clinton
political machine have anything to do with the infamous Rev Wright shooting off his fat
mouth? It might be a possibility, because they love this country so much that they would
do anything, take any risk, to make sure that the next president of the United States loves
this country above all else except for God. Perhaps Rev Wright was paid to make a fool
of himself, his church and Obama, and if he was, then one has to wonder at the
oppurtunist nature of this man. One has to wonder, what else are we going to find out
before it is all over? If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck and quakes like a duck,
then dammit, it is a duck!

Where there is smoke there is fire. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Altough Rev
Wright has a huge ego there had to be more in it for him to betray and embarrass Obama
in this way. If Obama runs against McCain in the fall, you can bet that all this nasty stuff
about Rev Wright is going to resuface. That’s just politics. It’s all part of the process.
Obama came to us as a clean slate, but I can guarantee it that it won’t stay that way. That
is simply not the nature of the beast, and thank God that the process all works for the best
in the end.

As for Obama, show you love this country and wear a flag pin like all the other men who
love this country. If you don’t love this country with every fiber of your being, then you
don’t deserve to become our next president.

God dam America indeed!! I hope the good Lord puts Rev Wright in his place once and
for all! If you don’t love this country, leave! Go and see how great it is in some other
country. Rev Wright, we simply don’t need your kind here, and that has not a thing to do
with race, and everything to do with the man that you are!

Please note: The above opinions are mostly from the man on the street. In my corner of
the world these are the topics people are talking and speculating about. Sometimes I
agree, sometimes I don’t. These views are aired here for the benefit and education of
other Americans. It is another source of information other than CNN and the other news
programs. I will continue to post articles of this nature until the presidential election is
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